Excitation Signal Generator

IOScope includes a built-in signal generator for generating an excitation signal for your system or device under test (DUT), or for generating a calibration tone. The signal generator produces any of various noise, swept sine, or tonal signals.

Noise excitation signals include random or periodic pseudorandom noise with white or pink weighting. The period of the pseudorandom noise is equal to the current measurement duration, and its magnitude is perfectly flat within a single FFT of that length.

Sine sweeps can be generated with a linear or logarithmic sweep rate. The sweep repeats continually and its length is equal to the current measurement duration. The linear sweep exhibits a perfectly flat magnitude response within a single FFT of that length, and the log sweep exhibits a pink magnitude response (a pink response has a 3dB per octave drop in magnitude with increasing frequency).

A single tone can be generated at any frequency between 0 and half the audio sample rate, exclusive.

The amplitude of each signal type can be adjusted. Amplitude settings are stored individually for each signal type.

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